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What is a truffle?

Hidden underground just like a real treasure.

Truffles are a variety of edible fungi growing underground, mostly besides roots of trees such as oak, beech, poplar, willow and elm. They are shaped like tubers and they are often compared with potatoes when it comes to their appearance. They usually grow from the size of a cherry up to the size of an apple, but sometimes significantly bigger specimens are found (like the famous Zigante Millenium weighing 1310 g). In the culinary world the most popular are the two basic varieties: black and white truffle.


Truffles are picked solely after they are ripe. The search or the so called hunting is led by a professional truffle hunter, while the truffles are found by trained dogs with a subtle sense of smell. In the past this was done by pigs, but nowadays this is rare. Namely, even though pigs are very skilled in finding truffles, all they find they often eat by themselves.


Truffles can also be described as gourmet fungi because their fragrance is tart, intensive, earthy securing the food a unique flavour. They are used in small quantities which are still sufficient to turn every dish into a gourmet experience. 

Shop Zigante truffles - Buje

Trg J. B. Tita 12, HR-52460 Buje
Tel.: +385 (0) 52 772 125 

Shop Zigante truffles - Buzet

Trg Fontana, HR-52420 Buzet 

Tel.: +385 (0) 52 663 340 

Shop Zigante truffles - Grožnjan

U. Gorjan 5, HR-52429 Grožnjan

Tel.: +385 (0) 52 776 099


Shop Zigante truffles - Livade

Livade 7, HR-52427 Livade

Tel.: +385 (0) 52 664 030

Shop Zigante truffles - Motovun

Gradiziol 8, HR-52424 Motovun

Tel.: +385 (0) 52 681 668 

Shop Zigante Tartufi - Tušilović

Tušilović 43 C, 47242, Tušilović

Tel: +385 91 430 1200


Shop Zigante truffles - Koper, Slovenija

Vanganelska cesta 8, SLO-6000 Koper

Tel.: +386 (0) 5 6257 430 
